ProfessorOfficial Mail.Id: Chakraborty.indrani@foaaktu.ac.in

Degree | Institution | Year of Completion |
B. Arch | B.E.College(DU)(presentIIEST),Shibpur,India | 2002 |
Master of City Planning | IIT Kharagpur,India | 2004 |
PhD: | IIT Kharagpur | 2016 |
19 years
Previous Association
- Professor and Dean, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Integral University (2018-21)
- Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, VSSUT Burla Sambalpur State university Odisha (2017-18)
- Professor, Department of Architecture, Mahatma Education Society Pillai HOCL College of Architecture, Rasayani, Raigad, Maharastra.(2016‐17)
- Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Mahatma Education Society Pillai HOCL College of Architecture, Rasayani, Raigad, Maharastra (2015‐16)
- Chief Architect, Social Physical Environmental Consultants, Kolkata, India (2014-15)
- Sr. Town Planner, Department of Planning, West Bengal Housing and Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited. (WBHIDCO) (2012-14)
- Planner Engineer, Institute of Environmental studies and Wetland Management (IESWM), West Bengal, ICZM Project sponsored by World Bank (2010-12)
- Teaching Associate, Department of Architecture and Regional Planning, IIT, Kharagpur,India.(2008-10)
- Resource Person ,Urban Planner, Panihati Municipality, Kolkata Metropolitan Area,West Bengal, KUSP Project, sponsored by DFID, UK.(2005‐08)
- Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, S.A.R. College of Architecture, an affiliated college under JNTU Hyderabad, Govt of Andhra Pradesh, India (2004‐05)
Membership of professional societies:
- Council of Architecture life time membership, 2003
- Institute of Town Planners India (Executive Committee Member of West Bengal Chapter), 2004
- Life member, Administrative Staff college India, 2011
- Accredited member Indian Green building council 2016
Academic accolades, scholarships, prizes and distinctions:
- March 2002 MHRD Scholarships for perusing Masters
- May 2003 Sponsored training at IIRS Dehradun Sponsorship from IIT Kharagpur
- April 2008 MHRD Scholarship for PhD
- Oct 2011 Administrative Staff college India,Procurement for World bank Aided Projects life membership,ASCI Hyderabad
- Dec 2016 IGBC Accredited professional,LEED India,CII
ICZM Planning for WestBengal coast.17060000 World Bank, IESWM, Kolkata Indrani Chakraborty, Servedas co PI project executed (2010‐2012)
- Rehabilitatio of the marine aquarium by ZSI. 14,00,000
- Completing Sewerage System at Digha by the Public Health Engineering Department 3,20,00,000
- Fish Auction Centre– Sagar (Fisheries Development Corporation) 4,50,00,000
- Provision of cyclone shelters in Sunderban by the Disaster Management Department. Rs100,00,00,000
- Ecotourism/Tourism & Local Community Development at Sagar (SundarbanDB) Diversification of income generation activities through Ecotourism development Rs25,00,00,000
- Afforestation‐based Livelihood Improvement (SDB)Value addition activities suchas handicrafts and cottage industry; Aquaculture; Agroforestry; Semi processing, processing, storageand transport;Local market development andskill improvement Rs5,40,00,000
- Cleaning, solid waste management and environmental improvement of the Digha‐sankarpur beach by the DSDA.Land fill site development Rs 1,00,25,000
Reports and noted publications:
- 1.New Town Kolkata Planning Area (Building)Rules 2014 and LUDCP Planning Area(Building)Rules,
- 2014‐Amendment (10/06/2015), The New Town Kolkata Gazette Notification
- Policy Document, Development Plan Report for Panihati Municipality,KUSP, Oxford Policy Management& CRISIL,DFID,INDIA 2005‐2008
- Syllabus Update, Member of Academic Executive committee, VSSUT, Burla
- Academic Council member, Updating of M Plan, and Certificate courses syllabus
- Sadya Alvi, Indrani Chakraborty Re- Building The Cultural Identity Through The Art Of Building, Rehabilitation Center For Syria Migrant, Turkey
- Dr Indrani Chakraborty, Safa Seraj, Umair Ali, Critical Architectural Design Pedagogy In Conservative Contexts of Anthropometry
- Dr Indrani Chakraborty, Dr Subhrajit Banerjee, Safa Seraj Green Audit - Integral University, Lucknow
- Dr Indrani Chakraborty, Safa Seraj, Tariq Ul Islaam, Uma Prasad Pandey, Anas Jameel,Zulnoorain Kharowala Energy Audit - Integral University, Lucknow
- Dr Indrani Chakraborty, Safa Seraj, Dr M A Khalid Tariq Ul Islaam, Uma Prasad Pandey, Environmental Audit - Integral University, Lucknow
- Dr Indrani Chakraborty, Zeba Nisar, Anas Jameel, Namia Islam Monograph on urban intervention of Qaiserbagh Lucknow