Navachar Incubation Centre (NIC), FOAP, AKTU

    The Incubation Center, Navachar Incubation Centre (NIC) aims at promoting entrepreneurship through converting the noble research idea into an economic unit, or adding value to the existing product or service. The primary role of the Center is to create a conducive environment for startups/incubates, as well as mentoring them. It will serve to nurture and guide entrepreneurial initiatives with social and/or commercial objectives. The Center will also provide other facilities which will include consulting, networking and administrative and by providing business and technical services, initial seed funds, lab facilities, advisory, network and linkages with a pool of Mentors to advise students to overcome their complications.

    The center with the underlying objectives of providing a nurturing, instructive and supportive environment for entrepreneurs during the critical stages of starting up a new business, and increasing the chance for a start-up to succeed, shorten the time and reduce the cost of establishing and growing its business.